Seek Him First
Welcome to the 1st edition of The Catchfire Effect. My name is Hal Boehm, and I am the president of Catchfire Ministries. For the next few minutes, I want to share a word to believers in Jesus Christ for this hour. I know your time is valuable, so I pray this is a blessing to you.
In this present climate, however, I have a concern which I have picked up from believers. It is this: FEAR! I am not sure if FEAR crept into the Church because of COVID or whether it just brought it to light. At any rate, we need to remove it from our lives because FEAR is a liar, and it has an ugly cousin called DECEPTION which quickly follows along behind him. None of us can afford to walk in FEAR right now—especially NOW. We need to be people of FAITH, the opposite of FEAR.
Welcome to the 1st edition of The Catchfire Effect. My name is Hal Boehm, and I am the president of Catchfire Ministries. For the next few minutes, I want to share a word to believers in Jesus Christ for this hour. I know your time is valuable, so I pray this is a blessing to you.
In this present climate, however, I have a concern which I have picked up from believers. It is this: FEAR! I am not sure if FEAR crept into the Church because of COVID or whether it just brought it to light. At any rate, we need to remove it from our lives because FEAR is a liar, and it has an ugly cousin called DECEPTION which quickly follows along behind him. None of us can afford to walk in FEAR right now—especially NOW. We need to be people of FAITH, the opposite of FEAR.
When looking at the situation in the world, we certainly have a lot to be apprehensive about, at the least, and fearful, at the most. Consider this:
Skyrocketing GAS PRICES
Out-of-Control FOOD COSTS
BABY FORMULA shortages
Rapid Devaluation of our CURRENCY
Possibility of future PANDEMICS
It all seems quite overwhelming, and I just mentioned a few items. I could go on for the rest of our time, but I think you get the picture. We live in a crazy world right now. We have reason to be fearful, BUT . . . BUT GOD! For a believer, He must always be in the equation. In fact, He is the equation.
Now, you may be thinking, “I know what you’re saying is true, but I need to be practical. How can I protect myself and my family from this economic crises?” First thing for a believer is to seek first Jesus in all things. That should be our first go to and not the “if all else fails” option. That’s bringing Him into the equation. “Jesus what should I do? I will follow Your leading.”
So, as a follower of Jesus Christ, we have no need to be fearful. Why? For starters, we know where we’re headed—Heaven! How you threaten a believer with Heaven? But, let’s deal with our present reality, and in particular, what I want to focus on are the promises of God’s Word. They are just as true for us today as they were when they were first spoken. Since a day is as a 1,000 years to God, from His perspective, He only spoke them 2 or 3 days ago. If someone you trusted promised you something 2 or 3 days ago, you would think their word was still valid today. Would you not? Of course you would. God is even more trustworthy than anyone else. You can trust His word for eternity!
Let me read some very encouraging words from Jesus that He spoke 2 days ago. They are timeless and certainly apply to our present crisis.
Jesus had just told the crowds that the Father cares for the flowers of the field and the birds of the air, so how much more will He care for you. Then, He asks:
Matthew 6:30b-33 – Why do you have so little faith? [and, why do you have so much fear?] 31 “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, [why? They walk in fear and not faith] but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. [Jesus said it. We have allowed the world’s fear to affect us.] 33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need. (NLT)
Who said the Bible is not relevant to modern society? It’s more up-to-date than your latest social media feed. What an incredible promise from Jesus! Verse 33 is probably the most widely known Scripture in the New Testament after John 3:16. This could be why we miss the simple truth found in this verse. We have become so familiar with it that we do not really focus on what He’s saying here.
You may be thinking, “What about inflation, the gas prices, and food costs.” Notice Jesus didn’t qualify this with, “Unless you are in a recession or a Great Depression or dire economic conditions.” No, He simply promised that if we seek Him first and His righteousness, He will make sure we have food on the table, clothes on our backs, and a roof over our heads. So, why worry or fret?
This is very personal to my family right now. I am not sharing something with you that I am not walking through myself. My wife and I are in one of those times when we really have to trust the Lord. We are in transition, and more is going out than is coming in. Often, over the last several months, we have both laid awake at night crying out to the Lord. Fear, worry, discouragement and dread have tried to pile on. Then, add the current cost increases of just about everything to the mix, and we have major reason for fear and worry.
But, do we? If you think about it, we don’t as followers of Jesus. As He said in v.30: “Why do you have so little faith?” I have come to the place where I have to ask myself, “Am I going to trust Jesus or not? Do I have faith or not?” He led us to this place, and He has never failed us yet. And, I do NOT believe He will start now.
When Jesus and the Disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee after the miraculous feeding of the 4,000, the disciples forgot to bring enough bread for everyone. They were arguing about it. Jesus began to recount the feeding of the 5,000 which happened a couple of chapters back. Then, He retold what just happened hours before with the feeding of the 4,000. He followed with, “Why do you reason you have no bread?” It was like He’s saying, “I AM is in the boat with you, so you have no need to worry. Did you not just see what I can do with the little you have?”
He’s asking the same question to you and me. “Why do you reason you have no bread?” “But, the gas prices! The grocery prices!” Still He asks, “Why do you reason that you have no bread?” He has never let us down before, so why would He start now regardless of what is going on in our economy. If He can feed 5,000 and 4,000 with a few loaves of bread and a couple of pieces of fish and have several basketfuls leftover, can He not take care of you and me in this hour? As Jesus asked, “Where is your faith?” Ouch!
Let me conclude with this: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear . . . (2 Timothy 1:7) So, don’t take it; fear does not belong to you. It didn’t come from God. Refuse it and write “return to sender” on it.
But, what does God give us in place of fear? Power, Love, and a Sound Mind. Those are definitely three things we need when in fear! The power of the Holy Spirit, the perfect love of God which casts out all fear, and a peaceful, sound mind.
Remember: Seek Jesus first and His righteousness and all you need will be given to you.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I pray this has been an encouragement to you.
Hal Boehm, Catchfire! Ministries